I love details...but sometimes, large dioramas and structure take forever to detail. So instead of making another big structure, I thought id make a small one...a relatively small one that i can load with lots of details. Here comes the TOOL SHED!!
Like all my other structures, everything starts on paper. After sketching some elevations, and making out the key dimensions, I made wall patterns on a CAD program. I then laminated thin wood sheets to clear acrylics, and then had Mr. Laser do the rest. Not bad!
After the walls were cut, I prestained the wood side with ink, to give it an aged look. I also "distressed" some of the siding, to make it look like its an old shed that has served the test of time. I had the doors elevated because i wanted to put a platform or deck. I love decks..and I really like wood decks, so out comes the strip woods! When the deck was done, I focused on the roof. I had some stock thin cards that would look like tar paper when painted black. After spray painting the paper black, it looked "too black", so I took some white chalk powder and brushed it on the tar paper roof.
Then comes the fun part, detailing. All the details on this model are built from scratch. Like what i mentioned on my previous post, I wanted all the details to be unique on every diorama, and not repitive. Most of them are styrene plastic strips and rods, that ive shaped and carved to look like familiar tool shed stuff. I painted these details flat black, then followed by a coat of rust brown and gray. I highlighted some of the objects' edges with white paint. Some of the details recieved a fair dusting of brown and white chalk. If i had an O Scale chain, i would not have scratch built one from copper wire...trust me.
I do not have a base for this structure yet. I will make one in a couple of days. Although I originally planned to make this small and simple, this project turned out to be just as fun as the other big ones. Enjoy!!